Comics and illustrated books to read, understand and imagine...
Ginette Kolinka - story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau - Cover
Ginette Kolinka
story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau

by Aurore D'Hondt
Holocaust - Testimony - Duty of memory
Full story
Arrested because she was Jewish in March 1944, Ginette Cherkasky was deported to the concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. She survived with the number 78599 tattooed on her arm.

As the only survivor from her deported family members, she shares her testimony with us and warns us:

"This is where hate leads."

Aurore D'Hondt talks to us about her graphic novel : Ginette Kolinka.
General public comics
History collection
Publication: January 25, 2023
240 b&w pages
Paperback format with flaps: 18.5 x 25 cm
EAN : 9782374181325

Rights sold in Italy, Sweden, Denmark

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Pictures from the album
Ginette Kolinka - story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau - Extract Ginette Kolinka - story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau - Extract Ginette Kolinka - story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau - Extract Ginette Kolinka - story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau - Extract
Ginette Kolinka - See the 10 photos (on the blog)
ZOO LE MAG | We might think we already know everything about this dark part of history and yet, this album makes us realize that we do not. We learn a lot from this testimony that touches us deeply.
( > read the french article)

BD GEST' | Ginette Kolinka, a story of a survivor from Auschwitz-Birkenau, is an album of impressive power. The graphic choices bring a light "softness" to a story that is often strong in emotions.
( > read the french article)

OUEST FRANCE | Aurore D'Hondt publishes her comic book on Ginette Kolinka. Released on January 25th and participating in the Angoulême International Comics Festival in the aftermath, the life of the Brest student has changed with this story she dedicated to the survivor of Auschwitz. Encounter.
( > read the french article)

L'IVRESSE DES BULLES | This incredible album is the story of an unexpected encounter between an elderly lady, who came to speak about her Shoah, and a young woman, who came to listen to her.
( > read the french article)

LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE POCHE | The powerful and emotional style of the drawings contributes to making this testimony exactly as it is in reality: sincere and heart-wrenching.
( > listen to the french segment)

DE FIL EN PAGE | A gripping and poignant album and a work of great accuracy on all points from its author, Aurore D'Hondt, who met Ginette Kolinka in 2019 during her studies.
( > read the french article)

CHARENTE LIBRE | The story of deportee Ginette Kolinka is told in comic book form. Aurore D'Hondt presented her comic book to the Angoumois public.
( > read the french article)

BULLE NOIRE | This album allows us to show where hate leads. When there are no more witnesses, there will be their testimonies, which must be read and spoken about, again and again.
( > read the french article)

LIGNE CLAIRE | A heart-wrenching and heart-rending shock, even though one knows what to expect.
( > read the french article)

THE TIMES OF ISRAËL | A book and a graphic novel about the story of Ginette Kolinka, a survivor of the Shoah. Both books were published on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.
( > read the french article)

LA DERNIÈRE SCÈNE | Detaching oneself from emotions, becoming a robot, is what Ginette Kolinka had to do to survive. If her book 'Retour à Birkenau' deeply moved me, Aurore D'Hondt's comic book will surely haunt me for a long time. Her work on black and white is incredible.
( > read the french article)

LA PROCURE | The comic book author makes her own the message delivered by Ginette Kolinka to keep this memory alive, which is part of our history, and she does it wonderfully well.
( > read the french article)

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